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Bunching Onions - Key Growing Information

Scientific Name

Allium fistulosum

Crop Culture

Traditional sowing times vary for bunching onions (spring or salad onion) spring was the recommending sowing time with August quickly following for a winter and early spring harvest. As the UK weather has gotten milder over recent years you can sow and grow spring onions all year round, although germination during winter months (October - February) take a little longer due to light levels you can still maintain a healthy crop.

Hardy varieties will survive the winter if you wish to grow them outdoors well draining soil is recommended. However we suggest sowing and growing spring onions under cover during the winter months.

Recommend soil acidity 6.2 - 6.8 pH.


Sow directly (however you can transplant them if you prefer to start in trays, handle as you would any other onion or leek seedling) 5-6 seeds per sowing keep a good 2-3inches space between the next sowing. Thin by taking a early harvest also known as green onions. This method allows you to over sow in a specific area and start harvesting much sooner, by naturally thinning the younger onions and eating them you make room for the bulb to grow and swell to the larger spring onion.

Grow Guides

Full growing information for onions can be read on the onion grow guide.


During the growing process hill the soil (as you would with potatoes) 2-3 times during the growth cycle. This forces the leaves higher up the plant resulting in extra-long stalks and a much greater edible portion or whiter onion.

This method is recommended if you have directly sown your seeds. Transplanting onions eliminates this issue. 


Loosen with a fork and lift from the ground. Pulling the plant directly may result in the bulb detaching from the stalk. 

Packet Size

Avg packet size 600 seeds