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Growseed planting programs are designed to take the guesswork out of succession planting, allowing you to extend your harvest across the growing season. This is the one reason why Growseed was founded. To provide a year-round planting guide to extend the season and get maximum production from each crop planted.

What is a planting program?

A planting program is a structured plan or schedule that outlines when, where, and how to plant specific crops or plants in a garden, allotment, or agricultural setting (such as a farm or a small holding) these guides can be perfect for those growing for markets also.

It provides guidance on the timing, spacing, depth, and other factors necessary for the successful planting and growth of various crops.

The planting program is typically designed to optimize yields, manage resources efficiently, and ensure a continuous or staggered supply of produce throughout the growing season.

Why follow a planting program?

Planting programs are normally used on commercial farms and small holdings however you can scale the methods down to use on the allotment or home garden to extend the growing season and establish longer production of a specific crop. It also helps save money in the long term.

  1. Optimized Yield: A well-designed planting program helps optimize the use of available space, resources, and time, resulting in a more abundant and consistent harvest.

  2. Continuous Harvest: Succession planting, a key aspect of many planting programs, ensures a continuous supply of fresh produce throughout the growing season, extending the harvest period.

  3. Crop Diversity: By planning and scheduling plantings, you can diversify the crops you grow, leading to a more varied and nutritious harvest.

  4. Soil Health and Fertility: Crop rotation and companion planting, often part of planting programs, help maintain and enhance soil health by preventing nutrient depletion and promoting biodiversity.

  5. Weather and Season Considerations: Planting programs take into account the local climate and growing seasons, allowing for adjustments to planting schedules to optimize growth and yields.

  6. Efficient Space Utilization: Planning the layout and arrangement of plants ensures efficient use of available space, allowing for maximum growth and preventing overcrowding.

  7. Long-term Planning: Planting programs often consider long-term goals, allowing for crop rotations and strategic planning for future growing seasons.

Three Essential Methods for Achieving a Successful Program:

  1. Sow various plant varieties at distinct intervals based on their suitable planting and harvesting periods.

  2. Cultivate a range of plant types with varying days-to-maturity simultaneously to achieve prolonged and consecutive harvesting.

  3. Employ season extension techniques like row covers or protective measures such as indoor or tunnel cultivation to yield early crops in spring and late crops in autumn/winter.